Antonio Villalonga


Gender: Actor

Year of birth: 1980

Heigh: 175

Weight: 95

Color of eyes: Brown

Profession: Doblaje, Actor/Actriz, Dirección

Skills: Singer, Fencing, Musical instrument

Languages: Catalan, Spanish, Other


2022 CEF

  • Co-leading actor in the short film “Cròniques d’un molinet de chlorur de sodi”, directed by Pau Amer.

2022 Roqueta Idees and SARTS Productions

  • Actor in the commercial “L’amo de ses garroves”, directed by Daniel Cañellas.

2020 SARTS Productions

  • Director of actors in the feature film “180º”, directed by Daniel Cañellas.

2019 La Naranja Biónica

  • Actor co-star in the short film “408”, directed by Ismael Luna.

2016 Teatre de barra

  • Actor in the play “l’Estatut”, playing the role of Sant Pere. Written and directed by Lucía Sánchez and Enrique Mongay.

2016 Port Adriano Short Film Festival

  • Co-starring actor in the short film “Joan Cornell,” directed by Guillermo Broglia.

2011-2015 Madamme Lena Company

  • Actor in different performances organized by this company in Palma and the Fira dolça of Esporles and Contesporles.

2015 ESADIB Higher School of Dramatic Art of the Balearic Islands

  • Director of the play “Gamofòbia, l’home del quadre o ambdues coses”, written by Héctor Seoane.

2014 EDIB, Strange Friends and Tomavistes

  • Leading actor in the short film “The Gospel according to Saint Luke”, under the coordination of director Toni Bestard.

2014 CEF

  • Co-starring actor in the short film “Fuera de Juego”, directed by director Toni Bestard.

2014 La Contrapiel Company

  • Actor and playwright in the play “La piel de gallina”.

2014 SARTS Productions in collaboration with Nova Televisió, Acciona and Look Forward Films

  • Actor and screenwriter in the short film “Kyrios el talismán”, directed by Daniel Cañellas.

2014 El Somni Productions

  • Director of the play “Destí a l’ombra” by the Microteatre per pors performed in the old fire station in Palma.

2014 Look Forward Films

  • Actor co-star in the short film “Time Trippin”.
  • Actor in the short film “Democracia”.

2014 ESADIB Higher School of Dramatic Art of the Balearic Islands

  • Playwright of the play “Mr. Showman”, directed by Pedro Orell.

2013 La Contrapiel Company

  • Actor in the theater production “Cimientos”.

2013 Principal Theater of Palma

  • Actor in the theatrical production of “Ricard III” by William Shakespeare, directed by Joan Fullana. Playing the roles of King Edward, Clarence and the Mayor.

2013 IB3 Television

  • Supporting actor in the television series “Mossèn capellà”, produced by Nova Televisió, playing the role of Xim.

2011 UIB University of the Balearic Islands

  • Actor in the promotional ad for the university student statute.


Graduated in Dramatic Art from the Balearic Islands School of Dramatic Art (ESADIB), where he has studied Biomechanics with Alexey Levinsky, Acting on camera with Toni Bestard, Movement Technique with Norman Taylor, Dance with Maria Antònia Oliver, Interpretation with Pere Fullana and Pitus Fernández, Dramaturgy with Biel Jordà, among others.

He has conducted two workshops on the Chekhov technique (2014-2015) with Graham Dixon, director and founder of the Michael Chekhov Studio in London.

Intensive interpretation course with Biel Jordà at the CINE in Sineu (2012).


Trainer of trainers by the Government of the Balearic Islands in MAP 2022, an intervention project in educational centers to help develop artistic expression as a vehicle for communication and understanding of human beings, both in the field of formal education and in the non-formal.

Within the field of teaching, he has worked as a professor of Animation and Body Expression for different entities such as:

  • Toth Educatiu
  • Cucavela Sociocultural Alternative
  • Embat
  • Amés
  • Ramon Serra Institute

He has also worked as an extracurricular activities monitor for Theater and Cinema for different educational centers.

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